500 Internal Server Error

The '500 Internal Server Error' is an error on the server's side, and most likely not a problem at your end. Though there is still the possibility that there could be issues on your end, so here are some steps you can follow to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

1. Reload the web page. You can do that by clicking the refresh button on your browser.

2. Clear your browser's cache (same as deleting your browser history)

3. Delete your browser's cookies, restart the browser and try again

4. Check the error log in cPanel, usually 500 errors crop up here and can be pin pointed to a specific file.

5. If you have followed the above instructions, but the website is still not working, get in touch with MyHost by opening a new support ticket at http://secure.myhost.co.nz/submitticket.php.

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